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Camera-Based Linear Positioning (PCV, PXV)

Read heads and code tapes of the camera-based linear positioning system (PCV, PXV)

The PCV, PXV and safePXV Data Matrix positioning systems from Pepperl+Fuchs use Data Matrix codes for precise positioning. They consist of a 2-D camera system—a read head—and a Data Matrix code tape or metal code bar. This unique combination ensures maximum precision and extremely reliable positioning.

The self-adhesive code tape or metal code bar is attached to a fixed part of the system or plant, such as the wall of an elevator shaft or the mounting rail of an electric monorail system (EMS). The 2-D read head is mounted on a "vehicle" that moves parallel to it, e.g., on the elevator car or on the carrier of the EMS. Code redundancy and large reading windows enable the PCV, PXV, and safePXV Data Matrix positioning systems to reliably detect a position, even if the code tape is dirty or damaged. They can also bridge code tape gaps without any problems.

The systems differ in reading window and Data Matrix code size: PXV and safePXV offer even greater mounting tolerance with their large reading windows. The positioning systems can be parameterized via Data Matrix code cards, PC, or the controller, which makes them easy to get up and running. Typical applications for Data Matrix positioning systems include the positioning of skid and electric monorail systems, lifting and elevator systems, studio technology, and cranes.


safePXV, PXV, PCV read heads

Read Heads

The 2-D read heads lie at the heart of the Data Matrix positioning systems. They consist of a camera module with an internal illumination unit. This enables them to detect the position information from the Data Matrix codes printed on the self-adhesive code tape.

PXV, PCV code tape

Code Tape

In addition to the 2-D read heads, the self-adhesive Data Matrix code tape is an essential part of the Data Matrix positioning systems. The read head reliably detects the two-dimensional codes printed on the tape.

safePXV technology

Safety Guaranteed: Safe Version safePXV

With the safePXV, Pepperl+Fuchs offers a safety version of the PXV positioning system that enables safe absolute positioning up to SIL 3/PL e. The safePXV positioning system is based on a combination of 2-D camera technology and multicolor Data Matrix code tape. The preinstalled firmware checks the plausibility of the X position values using red and blue illumination color in combination with a mulitcolor code tape. The safe X position data can then be processed in the PLC without additional plausibility checks—all because of the reliable, self-monitoring sensor technology.

Read Heads

The positioning system’s 2-D read heads detect position via the Data Matrix codes printed on the code tape. Using state-of-the-art camera technology, they measure an exact absolute position in X with a resolution of 0.2 mm over large distances of up to 100,000 m. With a large reading window, the read heads are capable of reading up to five Data Matrix codes at once in a single reading process. This means they provide reliable position detection even when codes are dirty or damaged. The PXV’s large reading window offers an even higher mounting tolerance for route guidance.

Due to their quick and comprehensive parameterization and adjustable inputs and outputs, the 2-D read heads can be adjusted to the specific application. With additional diagnostic data such as Y coordinates and a code tape quality assessment, they ensure maximum reliability. Pepperl+Fuchs offers the read heads in different versions to meet a range of requirements. Whether PCV, PXV, or the safePXV, you can choose from different interfaces and sizes of reading window.

a PXV read head

With a large reading window of 120x80 mm, the PXV read heads are capable of reading up to five Data Matrix codes simultaneously in a single reading process. This means they provide reliable position detection even when codes are gapped, dirty or damaged. The PXV read heads can bridge interruptions of up to 75 mm. This also offers an even higher mounting tolerance for route guidance.

PCV read head

The PCV 2-D read heads come with a reading window of 40x25 mm. This enables even smallest curve radii as well as inclines and declines. The PCV read heads read at least three DataMatrix codes at once, allowing the codes to be obscured up to 20 mm depending on the code redundancy.

safePXV read head

For safety applications up to SIL 3/PL e, users can choose the safePXV read head. With a multicolor concept, the standalone variant already has multiple redundancy in itself. The multicolor Data Matrix codes on the robust code tape are made visible and read by the two-color illumination of the safePXV read head. The safePXV's algorithm already checks the plausibility of the data in the sensor.

Code Tape

The PCV, PXV and safePXV read heads record position information from the Data Matrix codes printed on the code tape or metal code bar and outputs it as X, Y position values. By using Data Matrix codes as information carriers, data can be mapped redundantly. When combined with the large reading window of the 2-D camera system, the Data Matrix positioning systems have multiple redundancies, which make them resistant to interference.

Do you need to replace your code tape immediately? Our code tape generators provide a quick solution until a replacement arrives.

two versions of code tape for the PXV and safePXV positioning systems

For the PCV, PXV, and safePXV, the self-adhesive code tape is available with individual starting positions and in custom lengths of up to 100 km. This means that these positioning systems can be used in large systems or plants without limitations. Mounting the code tape is easy—simply remove the protective film, stick on the tape, and it is ready to use.

two types of metal code bars for the PXV and safePXV positioning systems

The metal code bars for the PXV and safePXV positioning systems are made of anodized aluminum and are therefore particularly robust. Just like the code tape, the metal code bars are available with individual starting positions.

In addition to the Data Matrix code tape, you can use event markers to generate control signals. These short code strips are available with a number range of 1 … 999 and in a length of up to 1 m per event marker number. The numbers are transmitted via data protocol. The self-adhesive markers can be stuck directly next to the code tape.

Do you need a quick replacement for a damaged PXV code tape? Our replacement code generator provides you with a printable PDF of replacement code.

Do you need a quick replacement for a damaged PCV code tape? Our replacement code generator provides you with a printable PDF of replacement code.

Benefits of the PCV, PXV and safePXV Positioning Systems

  • The best and most reliable absolute positioning system in the world—a unique combination of 2-D camera and Data Matrix code tape

  • Noncontact positioning at up to 100,000 m

  • Uncompromising reliability: multi-code redundancy provides resistance to contamination and damage

  • Fast and flexible installation with adhesive code tape, a wide reading window, and large depth of field

  • Quick and easy parameterization via RS-485, SSI, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, PROFIsafe, or EtherCAT®

  • safePXV for safety applications up to SIL 3/PL e