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RFID - Radio Frequency Identification Training

Theory can only get you so far, time to get your hands dirty…

Pepperl+Fuchs are a running a series of free practical hands on training sessions for RFID throughout April and May. The ½ day sessions are designed to give engineers a safe and supportive environment within which they can learn and experiment with RFID technology.

As the Industry 4.0 movement gathers momentum strategic requests are increasingly being made on engineers to implement tracking and traceability solutions, but many engineers have little or no RFID experience.  Simon Franks, Senior Design Engineer at Datacom said "These courses are very useful, it's important to get your hands dirty and understand the limitations of the technologies. I've seen too many over ambitious projects stumble or even fail because of a fundamental lack of first-hand experience. If you think that you can specify an RFID solution from datasheets, think again, practical tests and analysis are the only way to ensure reliable operation."

The sessions are relatively informal with enough structure to facilitate learning but with the freedom to explore individual application examples. Each session covers LF, HF and UHF technologies, using a range of tags, readers and interface options.

RFID – The Key to Industry 4.0

As factories evolve to become more flexible and more responsive the importance of automatic identification increases and RFID is likely to play a fundamental part in this story.

Our team: Dave Nield (l.) and Helen Metcalfe (r.)
Our team: Dave Nield (l.) and Helen Metcalfe (r.)

Meet our Trainers

Our trainers offer more than an overview, they offer practical demonstrations, hands-on experience for practical network construction with group discussions and individual questions.



Dave Nield

With over 20 years’ experience working within the automation industry Dave has acquired a wealth of knowledge across a wide range of applications to provide in-depth training, hands-on and technical support to our customer base.  As our Systems and Solutions specialist Dave is able to offer you an insight in to integration and related applications.


Helen Metcalfe

As our in-house RFID Specialist, Helen has worked extensively on applications where RFID technologies have been a key solution.  As well as leading you through the training on the day Helen provides follow-up technical advice as part of ur technical support team, offering telephone and email support free-of-charge.



Simply send us an email for more information or to register your interest


Reviews and Comments

"Thank you for a great seminar. The presentation covered all the topics we wanted and it was very useful to have Helen and Dave with their in-depth technical knowledge."

"The presentation covered all the “grey” areas and the all participants found it very interesting."

"This seminar will definitely help us to design better and more reliable networks. The new products presentation was also a great addition. We found some new modules really interesting and I’m sure we will used them in our future projects."


Visit the RFID Hub

Visit our "RFID Hub"—this special website is a knowledge base for RFID. Get answers on frequently asked questions and learn about typical RFID applications …


