
Battery-powered, industrial-grade IoT sensor solution with LoRaWAN® for outdoor use.

WILSEN.valve for Valve Position Feedback and WILSEN.node for Object Presence Detection

Industrial-Quality Wireless IoT Sensors

Industrial-Quality Wireless IoT Sensors

WILSEN.valve and WILSEN.node are tailored to meet industrial requirements. They reliably detect and transmit valve positions or object presences in demanding environments without the need for complex power supply or control system cabling.
Standardized LoRa Technology

Standardized LoRa Technology

The WILSEN.valve and WILSEN.node solutions transmit their measurement and GPS data with high energy efficiency over many kilometers by utilizing the worldwide standardized LoRaWAN® network. 
Easy Installation and Operation

Easy Installation and Operation

The WILSEN.valve and WILSEN.node solutions can be conveniently configured for their intended purpose via downlink channel remote access or directly on site with a mobile device app (Android or iOS).
Highly-Customizable Sensor Solutions

Highly-Customizable Sensor Solutions

A comprehensive range of connectable sensors and optional accessories from a single source ensures that your WILSEN.valve or WILSEN.node sensor solution is precisely tailored to your application requirements.


Central Unit
WILSEN.valve Central Unit
In many process plants manual valves are used that are only operated occasionally or in emergencies and are not connected to the control room. The WILSEN.valve sensor solution monitors the position of such valves and reports the status to the responsible authority via LoRaWAN over a distance of several kilometers. This additional information turns the WILSEN.valve into an effective M+O (Monitoring and Optimization) sensor solution that minimizes the risk of costly and time-consuming malfunctions caused by unintentionally opened or closed valves.

For this purpose, robust inductive and energy-optimized single or dual sensors from the broad Pepperl+Fuchs portfolio are quickly and easily connected to the WILSEN.valve central unit via standardized M12 connections. This central unit supplies the sensors with power via a high-performance battery and reports the valve status detected by them to the target system. As the valve status is sent directly and already processed, there is no need for users to carry out a complex evaluation of individual sensor statuses and assignment to the respective valve status. The integrated GPS functionality of the central unit also makes it easy to localize the valves, even in widely branched process plants. Furthermore, the central unit also transmits additional diagnostic data and reports error states such as line breakage or short circuits to the higher-level system.

Find Our WILSEN.valve Products Here

At a Glance

Wireless Valve Position Feedback The WILSEN.valve solution is optimized forwireless monitoring of up to two valves.
Wireless Valve Position Feedback
The WILSEN.valve solution is optimized for
wireless monitoring of up to two valves.
Inductive Sensor Technology The WILSEN.valve solution utilizes robust,wear-free inductive sensor technology.
Inductive Sensor Technology
The WILSEN.valve solution utilizes robust,
wear-free inductive sensor technology.
Easy Application Integration Due to a variety of mounting aids,integrating the WILSEN.valve is quick and easy.
Easy Application Integration
Due to a variety of mounting aids,
integrating the WILSEN.valve is quick and easy.
Four Versions Available The WILSEN.valve central unit is available in four differentversions to optimally meet every application profile.
Four Versions Available
The WILSEN.valve central unit is available in four different
versions to optimally meet every application profile.


Central Unit
WILSEN.node Central Unit
The WILSEN.node is the universal object presence detection solution among M+O wireless sensors. The central unit is ready for connection of up to two suitable sensors from the broad Pepperl+Fuchs portfolio. Both channels of the central unit work independently of each other so that sensor types can also be combined with each other. Due to the extensive range of functions, a wide variety of applications can be implemented cost-effectively.

Especially in retrofit scenarios or in applications that have to be implemented in remote, hard-to-reach locations without a conventional power supply, the WILSEN.node proves to be an ingenious yet easy-to-implement solution. The central unit supplies the sensors with power via a high-performance battery and transmits information via LoRaWAN over a distance of several kilometers. In addition to the actual sensor measurement data, additional diagnostic data and error states, such as line breakage or short circuits, are also sent to the higher-level system. Integrated GPS functionality also enables the precise localization of central units in remote locations.

Find Our WILSEN.Node Products Here

At a Glance

Wireless Object Presence Detection The WILSEN.node solution is optimizedfor wireless object presence detection
Wireless Object Presence Detection
The WILSEN.node solution is optimized
for wireless object presence detection
Technological Flexibility The WILSEN.node solution supportsconnection of various different sensor types.
Technological Flexibility
The WILSEN.node solution supports
connection of various different sensor types.
Easy Application Integration Different sensing principles along with standardizedM12 connectors ensure easy application integration.
Easy Application Integration
Different sensing principles along with standardized
M12 connectors ensure easy application integration.
Two Versions The WILSEN.node central unit is available in two differentversions to optimally meet every application profile. 
Two Versions
The WILSEN.node central unit is available in two different
versions to optimally meet every application profile.

Data Basis for Reliable Water Distribution

Data Basis for Reliable Water Distribution

Whether in a municipal supply operation, an apartment building or in an industrial process—manually operated valves must be in the correct position for the continuous supply of hot water or heating. The WILSEN.valve solution detects the position of valves and ball valves in water distribution systems, including in remote locations. Up to two inductive dual sensors can be connected to a central unit, allowing the IoT sensor solution to monitor up to two valves simultaneously. For particularly quick and easy installation, the dual sensor is attached to a mounting plate and the actuator is connected to the axis of the hand lever. The central unit can be placed on a wall or a strut near the valve, for example. The device transmits the position of the connected valves in the water distribution system to the target system via LoRaWAN with a high degree of reliability. On site, the valve position can also be identified on the actuator by means of a clearly visible marking.

Application Examples


Valve Position Always in View

Valve Position Always in View

Monitoring the end position and feedback of the valve position of drain and distribution valves provides important information for optimizing production processes. In addition, costly waste of process heat or products can be avoided by quickly identifying accidentally opened valves. The WILSEN.valve solution detects the valve position via an inductive dual sensor with two inductive sensor elements. These each monitor one of the two end positions (open/closed) of the actuator, completely wear-free and with low interference. The central unit, together with the sensor and actuator, can be quickly and easily installed directly on the valve and then transmits the valve positions to a target system over a distance of several kilometers via LoraWAN. In defined cases, an alarm or a follow-up action is triggered.

Door Control in Transformer Station

Door Control in Transformer Station

Due to the high voltage of the incoming lines, there is a danger to life and the doors of transformer houses must be closed at all times. They may only be opened for maintenance work—after appropriate safety measures have been taken. The WILSEN.node solution can be used to ensure that the door of a transformer house is always properly closed when no maintenance work is being carried out. For this purpose, an inductive sensor is connected to the WILSEN.node central unit, which detects the closing status of the door and reports any change. If the door is opened outside of scheduled maintenance work, the sensor signal can trigger a defined alarm. The protection of residents and passers-by is ensured.


Ensuring a Safe Manhole Cover

Ensuring a Safe Manhole Cover

Wells, sewer access points and other manhole openings in the ground require a secure cover. A correctly fitted manhole cover prevents accidents and protects people and materials. With the WILSEN.node, the position of the cover can be continuously checked. The central unit is installed outside the manhole and connected to a suitable sensor on the inside, which detects the position of the manhole cover. The position of the manhole cover (open/closed) is transmitted directly to the desired target system via LoRaWAN.

In addition, a float switch can be connected to the second input of the WILSEN.node central unit, which detects possible flooding of shafts, for example in the event of heavy rainfall. This creates a comprehensive sensor solution for manhole monitoring with just one WILSEN central unit.


Remote Monitoring of Pasture Gate

Remote Monitoring of Pasture Gate

Grazing animals should remain on the allocated pasture for a fixed period of time. This is not only important for pasture management, but also a question of safety and liability. Consequently, the pasture gate must be reliably closed during this time. The risk of unintentionally open gates can be minimized with little effort using the WILSEN.node solution. Equipped with a suitable sensor for object presence detection, the device monitors the position of the gate. If it remains open unplanned, a signal is sent via the central unit to the relevant IoT platform, from which the farmer immediately receives the corresponding message. The WILSEN.node central unit has an extremely robust design, IP66/67 degree of protection and a wide temperature range of -25 to +70 °C. This makes it particularly suitable for outdoor use in the harsh conditions of an animal pasture.

Securing Barn Doors

Securing Barn Doors

Agricultural barns are used to store harvested crops, fodder and straw as well as agricultural machinery and equipment. These are often very valuable items. In order to protect them from the weather, damage and theft, the doors should be closed as long as no work is being carried out there or there are no operationally necessary entries and exits. Damage and loss can be prevented by using the WILSEN.node solution without the need for extensive wiring or complex installation. The WILSEN.node central unit is mounted on the inside of the door. Supplemented by the appropriate sensor for object presence detection, the WILSEN.node solution now records the position of the barn door (open/closed) and transmits this to an IoT platform, which informs the farmer via a push notification in the event of unintentional opening.

Hogyan működik?

Hogyan működik?

A mért értékek WILSEN IoT érzékelőkről egy felhőalapú IoT-platformra történő átviteléhez és ott történő kiértékeléséhez LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) szükséges. Ezeket a könnyen skálázható hálózatokat, amelyek teljes mértékben a dolgok internetének követelményeihez igazodnak, az alacsony energiafogyasztás, a nagy hatótávolság és a biztonságos kommunikáció kombinációja jellemzi.

Az IoT-érzékelők vagy más végberendezések mellett egy ilyen LoRaWAN-architektúra általában csillag topológiában elhelyezett, nagy hatótávolságú átjárókból áll. Ezek az átjárók a WILSEN érzékelők adatait Ethernet-képes protokollra fordítják, az átalakított információkat pedig egy LoRa hálózati szerverre továbbítják. A hálózati szerver dekódolja az érzékelő adatait, és egy alkalmazáskiszolgálónak továbbítja azokat kezdeti feldolgozásra, mielőtt az adatok végül kiértékelhetők lennének egy IoT-platformon.

Ugyanakkor a LoRa hálózati szerveren és az átjárókon keresztül az ellenkező irányú kommunikáció is lehetséges: nemcsak az érzékelőadatok fogadhatók, hanem a WILSEN érzékelők paraméterbeállításai is kényelmesen elvégezhetők távolról az úgynevezett „downlink csatornán” keresztül. A Pepperl+Fuchs kifejezetten erre a célra ingyenes webes szolgáltatást kínál.

Alternatív megoldásként az érzékelők közvetlenül a helyszínen is paraméterezhetők egy mobileszköz alkalmazás segítségével.


Battery-Powered IoT Sensor Solution for Outdoor Use

The wireless, autonomous WILSEN IoT sensors reliably supply data regarding fill level, distance, valve position, and object presence to a LoRaWAN without a cable connection. Learn more about their functional principle and unique features.

Parameterization of WILSEN Sensors via the Downlink Channel

How do you parameterize the WILSEN sensors from Pepperl+Fuchs via the downlink channel? In this video, our expert shows you how to set it up quickly and easily.


Számos előnnyel járó IoT-technológia

A LoRa Alliance® tagjaként a Pepperl+Fuchs elkötelezett a termékek átjárhatósága és a technológia világméretű telepítése iránt.

A LoRa-technológia számos olyan előnnyel rendelkezik, amelyek különösen jól jöhetnek IoT-érzékelők, például a WILSEN.Sonic.Level típus alkalmazása esetén:

  • Eszközök csatlakoztatása 15 km-es távolságig
  • Globális rendelkezésre állás és a forgalmazó függetlensége
  • Minimális áramfelhasználás az átvitel során
  • Adatátvitel rádión keresztül, így nincs szükség érzékelőkábelezésre
  • Magas fokú biztonság és integritás 
  • Alacsony üzemeltetési költségek

Ezek a tulajdonságok azt jelentik, hogy a LoRa hatalmas kiterjedésű vezeték nélküli hálózat létrehozására használható, így városi és lakott területeken történő alkalmazásra is megfelelő. Vállalati telephelyeken is költséghatékony magánhálózatok hozhatóak létre.



Optimális módon hálózatba vagyunk kötve, ennek megfelelően a LoRa- és IoT-ágazatból származó partnerek széles körére támaszkodhatunk. Használja ki a Pepperl+Fuchs és ezen elismert partnerek kombinált szakértelmét projektjei megvalósítása során.

Services for Your Success

Services for Your Success

We offer not only technical excellence, but also first-class service and support: Our global presence, our deep understanding of different industries and our customer focus set us apart. Of course, this also applies to our portfolio of WILSEN sensors: In this section you will find a selection of tools to help you always get the most out of your sensors and keep operating costs as low as possible.
