Serviceline Industrial Sensors
Serviceline Explosion Protection

Temperature sensor 6000-TSEN-01

  • Remote sensor
  • Suitable for Zone 1 and Division 1 mounting
  • Intrinsically safe when used with the 6000 Series purge system control unit
  • Easy mounting for temperature measurements up to 3 m from the temperature hub

Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

Download the complete datasheet as a PDF:

Datasheet excerpt: Technical data of  6000-TSEN-01

Product Description
Temperature Sensor for 6000 Series Purge system
General specifications
Series6000 Series
SystemType X Purge ; Ex pxb Purge
Electrical specifications
Power+ , - , sensors
Rated voltage5.5 V DC
Rated currentmax. 10 mA
Open loop voltage9.6 V
Distance3 m from 6000 control unit
3 m from 6000-TEMP-01
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-20 ... 100 °C (-4 ... 212 °F)
Storage temperature-40 ... 100 °C (-40 ... 212 °F)
Relative humidity< 95 % non-condensing
Vibration resistance1 g , 10 ... 100 Hz , all axes
Impact resistance30 g, 11 ms, all axes
Mechanical specifications
Housing materialRyton BR III BL
Degree of protectionIP65
CableGray PVC
Diameter5.03 mm2
Wire gauge22 AWG
Massapprox. 110 g
Dimensions50 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm
Mountingpanel or DIN rail mounting
Data for application in connection with hazardous areas
EU-type examination certificateUL/Demko 07 ATEX 0705753X
International approvals
UL approvalFile no: E184741
cULusFile no: E184741
IECEx approvalIECEx UL 08.0003X


ECLASS 13.027180591
ECLASS 12.027180591
ECLASS 11.027180591
ECLASS 10.0.127299090
ECLASS 9.027299209
ECLASS 8.027299209
ECLASS 5.140050501
ETIM 9.0EC000243
ETIM 8.0EC000243
ETIM 7.0EC000243
ETIM 6.0EC000243
ETIM 5.0EC000243
UNSPSC 12.139121303

Details: 6000-TSEN-01


The 6000-TSEN-01 temperature sensor is designed to be used with the 6000-TEMP-01 temperature hub and the 6000 Series purge and pressurization system.

Up to three (3) 6000-TSEN-01 temperature sensors can be mounted throughout the purged enclosure and connected to one (1) temperature hub. Multiple sensors can provide maximum or average enclosure temperature.

The 6000-TSEN-01 can only be used with the 6000-TEMP-01 temperature hub and cannot be used as a standalone device. This unit can be mounted in Zone 1 & 21 and Class I & II / Division 1 locations.

Note: The 6000-TSEN-01 is not required for a single temperature point as one (1) is included within the 6000-TEMP-01 device.

Product Documentation: 6000-TSEN-01

Language Selection:
Safety and Security DocumentationLanguageFile TypeFile Size
Instruction ManualENGPDF174 KB
ManualENGPDF10850 KB

Approvals: 6000-TSEN-01

Language Selection:
CertificatesCert No.LanguageFile TypeFile Size
ATEX CertificateDEMKO 07 ATEX 0705753XALLPDF360 KB
China SITIIAS CCC Ex Certificate2020322304003056 (Katy, TX USA)ALLPDF5433 KB
IECEx Certificate of ConformityIECEx UL 08.0003XALLLINK---
PESO (India) CCOEA/P/HQ/MH/104/4757 (P383926)ALLPDF103 KB
UL Hazardous LocationE184741 (RFPW, RFPW7 , RFPZ7)ALLPDF741 KB
Control Drawings
UL Control Drawing   ALLPDF711 KB
Declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration of Conformity (Pepperl+Fuchs)DOC-B066DALLPDF162 KB

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