OSSD-R/E-stop-module, Safety outputs OSSD, external status displays OSSD, 2 sensor channels, Operating mode can be selected by means of DIP switches, Start/Restart disable , Relay monitor, Stop function Cat.0 or Cat.1 and central stop function Cat.0, Time function, Safety Integrity Level (SIL): SIL 3, Performance level (PL): PL e, Category: Cat. 4, Operating voltage: 24 V DC ± 20 % , 24 V DC ± 20 % , via SB4 Housingfa
Sensor module, 4 sensor channels, Single module for safety thru-beam sensors SLA12 and SLA29 and for 2 channel safety devices (emergency off), Operating mode can be selected by means of DIP switches, Screw terminals or spring terminals, Safety Integrity Level (SIL): SIL 3, Performance level (PL): PL e, Category: Cat. 4, Operating voltage: 24 V DC ± 20 % , via SB4 Housingfa
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