Ultrasound—but Different.
Ultrasonic Sensor System
Up to two ultrasonic transducers can be connected to the evaluation unit of the USi-industry ultrasonic sensor system. As they work completely independent of each other, various different applications can be solved with a single USi-industry sensor system. This outstanding adaptability is further enhanced by the fact that the evaluation unit can save two different parameter sets for each autonomous sensor channel—so the user has the option of triggering a change between both sets via the parameterizable digital input of the evaluation unit during operation.
In combination with the remote design of the transducers, which are available with cable lengths of up to three meters, the system can be used very efficiently in applications where left/right or forward/reverse movements in a space need to be monitored—on automated guided vehicles (AGV), for example. Due to its robust design and the exceptionally high degree of protection (IP69) of the transducers, the USi-industry system can also be used effectively for similar applications in outdoor areas.
Whereas conventional ultrasonic sensors emit acoustic signals in the form of a radially symmetrical sound beam, the USi-industry uses a highly elliptical sound field. The opening angle of ± 17° / ± 5° creates an especially wide sensing range in one plane and a narrow sensing range in the other. This allows the transducer to be mounted in confined installation situations.
This means that the system can also be used successfully just above ground level or close to a wall. At the same time, this technology—which is optimized for capturing 3-D spaces—enables the sensor to detect switching targets as well as overhanging or ground-level obstalces.
Furthermore, the USi-industry system is not limited to the output of value-discrete signals: In addition to the standard version with four switching outputs, the evaluation unit is also available as a version with three switching outputs and a 4...20 mA or 0...10 V analog output for measuring applications.
The robust die-cast aluminum housing complies with degree of protection (IP65), making the evaluation unit also suitable for outdoor use. In addition to the connections for the ultrasonic transducers, there is a USB interface for convenient parameterization via PC.
The USi-industry ultrasonic sensor system consists of an evaluation unit, up to two ultrasonic transducers, and the software. To learn more about the individual components, click through the tabber menu on the right.
Miniature housing design, detached ultrasonic transducers, elliptical sound field—these features distinguish the USi-industry ultrasonic sensor system from other standard ultrasonic sensors.
The USi-industry sensor system offers an excellent solution for implementing a gapless anti-collision system on AMRs: With its large 3D detection field, it can be used as a stand-alone sensor system, or in combination with other sensors used for AGV navigation by reliably monitoring blind areas in the vehicle’s periphery. Due to the integrated mutual interference suppression, several USi-industry sensor systems can be operated in parallel without interfering with each other. The small size of the ultrasonic transducers, which are detached from the evaluation unit, also favors both functional integration and harmonious integration into the vehicle design.
To ensure collision-free movement of AMR fleets (autonomous mobile robots) in warehouses, the individual vehicles must be extensively equipped with reliable sensors. This is the only way to react to changes and recalculate the route if obstacles or other AMRs are detected on the route. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the sensor signals of the individual AMRs do not interfere with each other.
As a key component of an anti-collision assistant, the USi-industry sensor system with its large 3-D detection field helps to minimize the risk of unintended collisions between the ground support equipment and the aircraft being loaded: The ultrasonic transducers mounted on the belt boom comply with degree of protection IP69, so that neither heavy rain nor high-pressure cleaning processes can penetrate the extremely compact transducer housing. Temperature compensation integrated into the evaluation unit ensures that daily or seasonal temperature fluctuations on the tarmac do not affect the reliability of the ultrasonic measurement results.
Ground support equipment at airports, such as conveyor belt carts, is essential for smooth loading processes. However, due to the ever-present time pressure of aircraft handling or during poor weather and visibility conditions, there is a certain risk of collisions between the conveyor boom and the aircraft fuselage, which can lead to costly damage to the aircraft and delays in take-off.
If you want to use the exceptional features of the USi-industry in safety applications up to Category 3 PL d, the award-winning USi-safety is the right choice for you. The USi-industry's sister system has two microcontrollers that monitor the connected sensors, its own hardware and each other for correct functioning. This ensures that the system is fail-safe in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. In addition, both OSSD outputs are short-circuit and cross-circuit monitored.
Ultrasone sensoren van Pepperl+Fuchs worden vervaardigd in ons eigen kenniscentrum, waar omvormerontwikkeling en -productie plaatsvinden. Ons vooruitstrevend team van experts zet zich al meer dan 30 jaar in om ultrasone technologie te blijven verbeteren en zo de oplossingen van morgen te ontwikkelen. Onze klanten kunnen er dan ook op vertrouwen dat ze altijd de best mogelijke producten op de markt ontvangen.
Deze aanpak leidde tot de meest uitgebreide portfolio binnen de industrie - ondersteund door talrijke octrooien en innovaties - voor het hoogste niveau van flexibiliteit in productselectie en optimale productoplossingen. Naast onze standaard portfolio, beschikt Pepperl+Fuchs over de kennis en infrastructuur om snel en flexibel tegemoet te komen aan variërende klantenvereisten.
En, bovendien, biedt ons indrukwekkend assortiment accessoires steeds de juiste modules voor een op maat gemaakte integratie, ongeacht eventuele uitdagende installatieomstandigheden of speciale toepassingseisen, een aangepaste programmering of gecoördineerde verbindingstechniek. Ze veranderen elke sensortoepassing in een performante, toekomstbestendige systeemoplossing.
In deze downloadbare documenten delen we onze expertise graag met u - bestel uw gratis, digitale kopieën van onze technologiegidsen over ultrasone sensoren hieronder! Ze zullen u helpen de ideale sensor voor uw toepassing te selecteren en het maximaal rendement van uw apparatuur te realiseren.