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Connecting Serial Devices to an AMR Controller

AMR docking application

DeviceMaster® Ensures Various Devices Can Be Connected to an AMR to Improve Efficiency in a Material Handling Application

The Application

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) make processes and workflows more efficient by independently transporting goods around warehouses and other material handling facilities. A variety of sensors, cameras, and switches installed on the devices are used to interpret the surrounding environment.

The Goal

While easily integrated into most floorplans, processes, and supply chains, AMR components must reliably communicate with each other to make sure that the AMR works effectively within the larger warehouse systems.

1-port and 4-port DeviceMaster serial gateways

The Solution

Since a range of devices are required to ensure the smooth operation of a warehouse AMR, 1-port and 4-port versions of the DeviceMaster from Pepperl+Fuchs are used to provide the interfaces that allow pan/tilt/zoom camera controls, sensors, switches, and other devices to communicate with the AMR MODBUS TCP controller. By converting data from field devices to TCP/IP and industrial Ethernet protocols like EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and MODBUS TCP, the family of serial-to-Ethernet converters and industrial gateways ensures that all serial components reliably communicate.

The Benefits

With DeviceMaster, serial devices can reliably communicate with the MODBUS TCP controller to ensure that the AMR operates efficiently and effectively within the larger warehouse systems. With an array of available serial and Ethernet conversion capabilities, DeviceMaster is the perfect central management tool for all components needing to communicate on the warehouse network.

At a Glance

  • Serial sensors communicate with each other to make sure the AMR is working properly
  • Serial gateway (DeviceMaster) provides the interfaces for camera controls, sensors, switches, and other devices to communicate with the MODBUS TCP controller
  • Simultaneous support for the RS-232/422/485 and MODBUS RTU/ASCII serial protocols in one device
  • Configuration of all serial parameters such as parity, data bits, and separators via web browser and the Pepperl+Fuchs software PortVision DX
  • Autodiscover, manage, and save/load DeviceMaster configurations with PortVision DX