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VIM62PL-E0G10-0ME-I420K24 振動センサ
Key Benefits at a Glance
- 拡張温度範囲
- 取り付けが簡単なねじ込み式
- 簡単な電気コミッショニング
- 堅牢なステンレス製ハウジング
- 振動加速度 g (rms)、DIN ISO 10816/20816 に準拠
- 低周波振動の検出
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All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.
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