ML100-8-H-100/115/127/162 背景抑制传感器
Key Benefits at a Glance
- 带多个光斑的漫反射型光电传感器
- 专为检测印刷电路板 (PCB) 等重要物体而设计
- 微型设计
- 通过精确的背景抑制功能检测到封闭背景前方的物体
- 由于检测范围可以调节,能够适应相关应用
- 物体检测非常精准,几乎不受颜色影响
- 对环境光不敏感,即便是装有可开关的节能灯
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All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.
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