Serviceline Industriële Sensoren
Serviceline Explosiebeveiliging

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Spring mechanism with break glass, Choice of series and EOL resistors, Color red, 95 mm x 98 mm x 76 mm, Aluminum housing, Installation in Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21 and Zone 22, Ex de and Ex t certifiedpa

Explosionproof call station with pull action, Activation protection by dual-action push-to-pull mechanism, Key reset, Cast aluminum housing, UL approval, Degree of protection NEMA Type 4Xpa

Spring mechanism with break glass, Color red, 95 mm x 98 mm x 76 mm, Aluminum housing, Installation in Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22, Ex ia and Ex tb certifiedpa

Spring mechanism with break glass, Choice of series and EOL resistors, Color red, 95 mm x 98 mm x 76 mm, Aluminum housing, Installation in Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2, Ex ia certifiedpa