Hydrogen plays an important role in the measurements to curb climate change. In addition to the use of renewable energies for power generation and electromobility, alternatives to fossil fuels are needed, for example, for use in industry and heavy-duty transport. Hydrogen has a decisive advantage here: its combustion does not produce any climate-damaging CO2 emissions, only water vapor.
But hydrogen is not automatically climate-friendly. To produce the energy carrier in a climate-neutral way, the electricity required for the electrolysis process must be generated from renewable energies. The value chain of "green" hydrogen therefore already begins with the energy generation for its production and is full of technical challenges right up to its use in industry and transport. As an expert in explosion protection, Pepperl+Fuchs offers the appropriate products and solutions to ensure safe automated processes along the hydrogen value chain.
Learn more about the stations that the lightest element in the universe passes through from production to the application and what contribution Pepperl+Fuchs products make in the process. Discover our HydroGene!
對氣候友善的氫氣,其生產的先決條件是使用可再生能源。 倍加福提供範圍廣泛的組件,從風力渦輪機轉子葉片上的編碼器和感測器,到將太陽能集熱器與太陽完美對齊的傾角感測器,來優化風能和太陽能發電廠的發電量。
To achieve the highest possible yields in the industrial production of green hydrogen, several PEM cells are stacked. To ensure that no errors occur here, various products from Pepperl+Fuchs are suitable for supporting automated production of PEM stacks.
運輸氫氣在技術上具有挑戰性。 不僅因為它是一種爆炸性氣體,且必須經過壓縮才能運輸。 倍加福的各種產品和解決方案用於氣體壓力控制和測量系統,以及儲氣罐,能監控閥門位置並確保可靠的信號傳輸。
氫氣在工業中替代化石燃料方面發揮著重要作用,例如用於能源密集型化學品、水泥或鋼鐵的生產中。 倍加福為行業提供各種感測器解決方案,用於監控運輸管道上的閥門,並搭配智能眼鏡支持其維護,以及用於燃燒器控制的接口技術和使用氫氣運行AGV 的識別解決方案。