Serviceline Industrial Sensors
Phone: 330-486-0001
Fax: 330-405-4710
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Serviceline Explosion Protection
Phone: 330-486-0002
Fax: 330-963-5827
Contact Customer Service


Product detail page

The product detail page gives access to all available information on a product.
The product detail page gives access to all available information on a product.

The product detail page displays all available information on a product such as:

  • Product features
  • Detailed technical data
  • Datasheets in available languages
  • Certificates and approvals
  • Technical documents: instruction manuals, how-to manuals, software/drivers, etc.
  • Associated products: accessories, complementary system components, etc.

Download the datasheet for information covering:

  • Dimension drawings, connection diagrams
  • Complete type codes for variants, options and selections
  • Details on the product family where applicable

The FieldConnex® product selector

The FieldConnex product selector displays all components for the fieldbus infrastructure. This means that your choices apply to general attributes of your process automation system rather than to the attributes of the actual component. Start with any selection that is relevant to your application:

Connection to the Control System Selects the host-side protocol and, where applicable, all components specifically designed to fit the DCS.
Fieldbus Protocol 

Selects the field-side fieldbus protocol.

Function   The type of component (e.g. power supply, fieldbus junction box).
Design / Mounting General selections regarding enclosure or mechanical installation. 
Device Coupler Location / Trunk Protection Explosion-hazardous area for installation of the device coupler and ignition protection for the trunk. 
Instrument Location / Spur Protection Explosion-hazardous area for the instrument with respective ignition protection method at the spur. Location and ignition protection may differ from selections for the device coupler. 
Hazardous Area Certification  Region that components have been certified for. Contact your local sales office if the certificate for your country is not available. 
Application Certification  Special certifications required for specific market segments such as marine. 

Located below the product selector tool, all components matching the criteria for your system are shown in a list. Click on the model number/product type code to see all information on the product detail page.

NOTE: Every effort has been taken to ensure that your choices are matched with proper component selections. However, the possibility exists to select invalid choices. 

Example: An invalid choice would be to select junction boxes in a division and instrumentation in a zone or vice versa.

When in doubt please contact a local representative. 
