Yhteydenotto, Koneautomaatio
+358 20 7861 290
Yhteydenotto, Prosessiautomaatio
+358 20 7861 291


Valitse tuote

Seuraava sivuViimeinen sivu

Active termination of the fieldbus and passive termination of the service bus, Installation in suitable enclosures in Zone 1, Module can be exchanged under voltage in Zone 1 (hot swap; be aware bus operation may be affected)pa

Spring terminal, For LB and FB modules, 6-pole, Labeled 1 ... 6, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: spring terminalpa

Spring terminal, For LB and FB modules, 8-pole, Labeled 1 ... 8, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: spring terminalpa

Spring terminal, For LB and FB modules, 2 x 8-pole, Labeled 1 ... 8 and 9 ... 16, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: spring terminalpa

Front screw terminal, For LB and FB modules, 6-pole, Labeled 1 ... 6, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: front screw terminalpa

Front screw terminal, For LB and FB modules, 8-pole, Labeled 1 ... 8, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: front screw terminalpa

Front screw terminal, For LB and FB modules, 2 x 8-pole, Labeled 1 ... 8 and 9 ... 16, Color blue, For Ex ia or Ex ib applications, Construction type: front screw terminalpa

Universal backplane, Max. 20 slots for I/O modules, Redundancy (field bus and power supply), Installation in Zone 1pa

Base backplane for FB system, Max. 24 slots for I/O modules, Installation in Zone 1, For PROFIBUS, MODBUS RTU or MODBUS TCPpa

Extension backplane for FB system, Max. 24 slots for I/O modules, Installation in Zone 1, For PROFIBUS, PROFINET, MODBUS RTU or MODBUS TCPpa
Seuraava sivuViimeinen sivu

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