EPV-6500-*-* 6500 Series Vent
Principaux avantages en un coup d'œil
- A selection of vents for specific applications
- Intrinsically safe operation
- Continuous flow vents for precise flow rates for dilution applications
- Continuous flow measurement for dilution, purging, and pressurization
- Low leakage rate vents for air or inert gas conversation
- High flow rate vents for fast, large enclosure systems
- Universal mounting in any orientation including most of the unit inside the enclosure
- Maximum enclosure size 12.75 cu.meters (450 cu.ft.)
- ATEX/IECEx Zone 1/21 certified for Ex pyb and Ex pxb
- Up to SIL 2 acc. to IEC/EN 61508
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Tous les documents relatifs aux produits, tels que les certificats, les déclarations de conformité, etc., qui ont été émis avant la conversion sous le nom de Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH ou Pepperl+Fuchs AG, s'appliquent également à Pepperl+Fuchs SE.
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