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IO-Link Infrastructure

IO-Link infrasctructure product overview

Taking Full Advantage of IO-Link

Pepperl+Fuchs offers a range of IO-Link infrastructure that is optimized for every type of application. The portfolio includes an IO-Link USB master for offline configuration, various IO-Link masters for connection to higher-level fieldbuses as well as IO-Link masters with OPC UA and MQTT for cloud-based applications even without classic control. The portfolio is completed by matching software and perfectly coordinated connectivity.

Product Portfolio

IIoT starter kit

IIoT Starter KitConnect Factory Floor Sensors to the Cloud and Start the Digital Transformation of Your Plant!

With the IIoT starter kit and the user-friendly IO-Link masters from Pepperl+Fuchs simple visualization and analysis of sensor data become a reality. Discover the advantages of IO-Link and experience the seamless integration of IO-Link sensor data into your Industry 4.0 application.

The kit includes among others:

  • An IO-Link master, (3) IO-Link sensors, an Ethernet switch, a power supply, RFID tags and all the necessary cabling to get started
  • A quick start guide for connecting the IO-Link master and IO-Link devices
  • Software connection for various platforms such as AWS, PTC, AVEVA

Connect your software dashboard via OPC UA or MQTT for easy interpretation of real-time data and start the digital transformation of your plants now with the new IIoT starter kit from Pepperl+Fuchs!

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