Fabrika Otomasyonu
Proses Otomasyonu

2D Laser Scanner (2-D LiDAR sensor) with New Features - a Distance Ahead


R2000 - Extremely powerful measurement device

2D Laser Scanner

The 360° R2000 laser scanner impresses with its extremely accurate distance and angle readings. With its high scan rate, it is now an extremely powerful measurement device.

For the user, the most striking feature of this laser scanner is the display integrated into the scanning surface. In addition to entering basic settings during commissioning, the display also provides information about the current application. For example, this is where the interface language can be set or an image of the scanned environment displayed.


New in this version is a "spirit level function" that can be used to easily align the device to show that the sensor is horizontal. Ambient light or atmospheric pollution have no effect on the measurement results. The R2000 laser scanner has a high sample rate and a 50 Hz scanning frequency, making it ideal for high-speed applications that include logistics, industrial conveyors, transportation, and many more.