The MP series modular sensors include retro-reflective heads. The MP family enables users to customize a sensing solution for almost any application. Each component of this series is sold separately. These sensors are designed for harsh duty. The MP series rugged IP69K housing can withstand up to a 1200-psi washdown. The modular design allows for exchangeable rotatable heads, limit switch and plug-in bases, and screw terminal, preleaded, and connector version receptacles. Multifunction timer/logic cards are also available. Outputs are dependent on the base selected. Every head needs an MP series base, which can be purchased separately, to operate.
Retro-reflective mode sensors establish a light path between the sensor and a special reflector. An object is detected when the light path is broken. Typical retro-reflective sensors provide a longer sensing range than a diffuse mode sensor. In some models a visible red LED is used to aid in the installation and alignment of the reflector. A polarizing filter is used to eliminate false signals that may occur if a shiny target passes in front of the sensor. Several types of reflectors are available.
Compatible Base(s)- Plug-In, AC DPDT Relay, SPDT Relay, and Mini Style
Compatible Base(s)- 2-Wire Plug-In