As a result of the continuing rise in infection and incidence rates, Pepperl+Fuchs has decided to cancel its participation in the SPS. Despite the exemplary planned hygiene measures, your health and that of our employees is most important to us. In addition, we consider it our duty to do our part to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
The good news is that you don't have to miss out on new products and exciting technologies. Even if we can't meet in person this year, you can still get all the information you need about the key topics originally planned for Nuremberg and much more on the Digital Expo platform until November 26th.
Du kan registrere deg for deltagelse på vårt digitale arrangement Digital Expo på nettstedet . Der kan du allerede nå få en informasjon om de temaene vi skal presentere på det digitale arrangementet og på den fysiske messen i Nürnberg. Alle presentasjoner vi være tigjengelig på engelsk fra 15. November.
Gratis inngangsbilletter SPS 2021 er tilgjengelige på denne linken: