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Gateway HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

FieldConnex® Fieldbus
  • Gateway PROFINET RT to 4 x PROFIBUS PA segments
  • Up to 32 devices per PROFIBUS PA segment
  • Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2
  • Ring and system redundancy
  • Integrated webserver for diagnostics

Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

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Datablad utdrag: Tekniske data for  HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Gateway module for fieldbus power hub for PROFINET to PROFIBUS PA communication
General specifications
Design / MountingMotherboard based
Installation in hazardous areaZone 2 / Div. 2
Rated voltage19.2 ... 35 V SELV/PELV
Rated currenttyp. 135 mA
Power dissipationapprox. 3.5 W
Fieldbus connection
Number of segments4
Number of devices per segmentmax. 32
Fieldbus typePROFIBUS PA
Ethernet Interface
Number of ports2
Ethernet InterfaceConnector plug , 2x RJ45
Transfer rate100 MBit/s
RedundancyRing (MRP) , System S2
Indicators/operating means
LED ETH1 LINK 2green: link status
LED ETH1 ACTyellow: activity status
LED ETH2 LINKgreen: link status
LED ETH2 ACTyellow: activity status
LED ERRred 2 Hz flashing: Ethernet error
LED Seg 1...4red 2 Hz flashing: PA error, red and LED DP/ERR red: MAU error
LED PWRgreen: Power on
LED DP/ERRred 2 Hz flashing: DP error ; red: Hardware error
LED Red.yellow: redundant operation primary device ; yellow 2 Hz flashing: synchronization or redundancy not available
Galvanic isolation
CH/PROFIBUS DPfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
PROFIBUS DP/Supplyfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
CH/CHfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
CH/Ethernetfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
All circuits/FEfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
Ethernet/Supplyfunctional insulation acc. to IEC 61010, rated insulation voltage 50 Veff
Directive conformity
Electromagnetic compatibility
Directive 2014/30/EUEN 61326-1:2013
Standard conformity
Electromagnetic compatibilityNE 21:2011
Degree of protectionIEC 60529
Fieldbus standardIEC 61158-2
Shock resistanceEN 60068-2-27
Vibration resistanceEN 60068-2-6
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-40 ... 60 °C (-40 ... 140 °F) vertically mounted , -40 ... 70 °C (-40 ... 158 °F) horizontally mounted
Storage temperature-40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F)
Relative humidity< 95 % non-condensing
Shock resistance15 g 11 ms
Vibration resistance1 g , 10 ... 150 Hz
Pollution degreemax. 2, according to IEC 60664
Corrosion resistanceacc. to ISA-S71.04-1985, severity level G3
Mechanical specifications
Housing materialPolycarbonate
Degree of protectionIP20
Mass250 g
Height106 mm
Width40 mm
Depth128 mm
Mountingmotherboard mounting
Data for application in connection with hazardous areas
CertificateTÜV 15 ATEX 7735 X
MarkingEx-Hexagon II 3 G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc
Directive conformity
Directive 2014/34/EUEN IEC 60079-0:2018+AC:2020 , EN 60079-7:2015+A1:2018
International approvals
IECEx approvalIECEx TUR 16.0007X
Approved forEx ec IIC T4 Gc
Certificates and approvals
Marine approvalpending
General information
Supplementary informationObserve the certificates, declarations of conformity, instruction manuals, and manuals where applicable. For information see www.pepperl-fuchs.com.


ECLASS 13.027242610
ECLASS 12.027242610
ECLASS 11.027242610
ECLASS 10.0.127242610
ECLASS 9.027242610
ECLASS 8.027242610
ECLASS 5.127242610
ETIM 9.0EC001600
ETIM 8.0EC001600
ETIM 7.0EC001600
ETIM 6.0EC001600
ETIM 5.0EC001604
UNSPSC 12.139121008

Details: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN


The PROFINET to PROFIBUS PA gateway integrates communication of 4 PA segments into PROFINET I/O systems. The gateway is part of the FieldConnex ® Power Hub system. The gateway operates with power supply modules connected to the same or a separate motherboard.

The gateway provides a PA master for each segment and thus enables short bus cycle times.

One single gateway supports S2 system redundancy and ring redundancy.

A complete toolchain supports the engineering for system integration. A gateway device type manager (DTM) and a webserver enable access to both status and diagnostics of the gateway. The gateway DTM enables communication for parameterization, diagnostics, and status information to PROFIBUS PA devices through vendors’ DTMs. A library of STEP 7 software modules for integration into Siemens PCS7 is available.

The PROFINET gateway is an ideal solution for new plants and for upgrading existing PROFIBUS PA installations from PROFIBUS DP to PROFINET.

Informative Literature: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Velg språk:
Application Report - Controlling and Monitoring liquid Helium at the Deutsches Elektronen-SynchrotronENGPDF361 KB
Application Report - Digital Communication in Steel-Plate ManufacturingENGPDF470 KB
Application Report - Fieldbus Power Supply Compatible with Process Industry ApplicationsENGPDF229 KB
FieldConnex® PROFINET/PROFIBUS-PA Gateway Driver Library for PCS7, flyerENGPDF437 KB

Product Documentation: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Velg språk:
Product informationSpråkFiltypeFilstørrelse
Software Licence InformationENGPDF241 KB
Brief Instructions
Firmware release informationENGPDF55 KB
Safety and Security Documentation
Instruction ManualENGPDF166 KB
Software Information
Release Notes - DTM Collection FieldConnexENGPDF203 KB
Release Notes for Pepperl+Fuchs PROFINET GSD-Generator for PROFINET PA Segment Coupler HD2-GTR-4PA.PNENGPDF194 KB
EULA Pepperl+Fuchs Discovery and Configuration ToolENGPDF57 KB
End-user software license agreement (EULA) PROFINET GSD Generator for HD2-GTR-4PA.PNENGPDF41 KB

Approvals: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Velg språk:
Canada FMFM19CA0106XALLPDF1000 KB
China SITIIAS CCC Ex Certificate2020322310003529 (Singapore)ALLPDF1094 KB
Europe TUV Rheinland ATEX Category 3TÜV 15 ATEX 7735XALLPDF185 KB
TUV Rheinland IECEx Certificate of Conformity Zone 2IECEx TUR 16.0007XALLLINK---
Declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration of Conformity (Pepperl+Fuchs)DOC-2643BALLPDF1040 KB

Software: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Velg språk:
Device Description Files/DriversFrigivelsesinfoFiltypeFilstørrelse
PROFINET GSD Generator for HD2-GTR-4PA.PN1.0.5.2968ZIP1667 KB
DTM Collection FieldConnex1.9.0.2268ZIP35363 KB
FirmwareZIP4626 KB
Software Tools
Pepperl+Fuchs Discovery and Configuration Tool (PFDCT) KB

Relaterte produkter: HD2-GTR-4PA.PN

Matching System Components
FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Power hub motherboard for protocol gateways modules, For 2 gateway modules, For PROFIBUS PA, Redundant configuration, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, Spring terminals or screw terminals selectable, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canada, Device coupler location: non-explosion hazardous area
Zone 2 - high-power trunk
Zone 1 - high-power trunk
Division 2 - high-power trunk
Division 1 - high-power trunkpa
FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Power hub motherboard for gateway and power supply modules, 4 segments, simplex, individual modules per segment, For PROFIBUS PA, For gateway and power supply modules, High-power trunk: Live work on devices in any hazardous area, Optional advanced diagnostics, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canadapa
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Universal DTM host platform, For all DTMs of Pepperl+Fuchs, Approved FDT/DTM technology, Free of charge, Internet download possiblepa

Connect process variables from the instrument and their NAMUR diagnostics directly to your control system via CFC function blocks of the Siemens Advanced Process Library. This conveniently automates the entire engineering process via the PROFINET driver library. Find all information in this PDF flyer.