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Configuration software VAZ-SW-SIMON+

  • Graphic programming interface
  • Set up a system configuration
  • Set logic operations
  • Print out a sequence overview and a protocol
  • Store and copy function
  • Software for servicing existing configurations of an ASi safety monitor

Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

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Dane techniczne  VAZ-SW-SIMON+

Opis produktu
Software for configuration of K30 Master Monitors/K31 and KE4 Safety Monitors
General specifications
DescriptionSoftware on CD-ROM


ECLASS 13.027242501
ECLASS 12.027242501
ECLASS 11.027242501
ECLASS 10.0.127242501
ECLASS 9.027242501
ECLASS 8.027242501
ECLASS 5.127242501
ETIM 9.0EC000809
ETIM 8.0EC000809
ETIM 7.0EC000809
ETIM 6.0EC000809
ETIM 5.0EC000809
UNSPSC 12.143232901

Details: VAZ-SW-SIMON+

Product Documentation: VAZ-SW-SIMON+

Language Selection:
Product informationJęzykTyp plikuRozmiar pliku
Configuring a Safe Input on AS-Interface Safety at WorkENGPDF258 KB

Software: VAZ-SW-SIMON+

Language Selection:
Software ToolsInformacja o wersjiTyp plikuRozmiar pliku
Diagnostic software - trial version2013-04ZIP135082 KB

Produkty powiązane: VAZ-SW-SIMON+

Accessory of
Safety Monitor, 16 decentralized output circuitsfa
Safety Monitor, 8 decentralized output circuitsfa
Gateway with integrated Safety Monitorfa
EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP Gateway with integrated safety monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networks, power supply input with data decouplingfa
PROFINET Gateway with integrated safety monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networks, power supply input with decoupling coilsfa
Interface cable for connecting two K12-Safety Monitorsfa
Interface cable for connecting the K12 Safety Monitor to a PCfa
Interface cable for connecting the K30/K31 Safety Monitor to a PCfa
USB Type A to Micro-USB connectorfa
VisuNet Control Center

Learn more about the innovative managing software for VisuNet remote monitors and box thin clients!