The product 'ENA36HD-S10SA9-0413I42-RBD' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'ENA36HD-S10SA9-0413I42-RBD' is already on your watch list.
Very small housing, Analog interface, 13 bit overall resolution, Free of wear magnetic sampling, High climatic resistance, Enclosure type: 36 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Interface: CANopen, Detection type: magnetic sampling, Input type: lower limit of measuring range, Output type: analog current outputfa
The product 'ENA58IL-R15YY5-1212SG1-RBY:01' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'ENA58IL-R15YY5-1212SG1-RBY:01' is already on your watch list.
SSI interface, Recessed hollow shaft, Resolution: 12 singleturn, 12 bit multiturn, Free of wear magnetic sampling, High resolution and accuracy, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Recessed hollow shaft, Interface: SSI, Detection type: magnetic sampling, Interface type: SSIfa
The product 'ENA58IL-R15YY5-1212SI2-RAY:01' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'ENA58IL-R15YY5-1212SI2-RAY:01' is already on your watch list.
SSI interface, Recessed hollow shaft, Resolution: 12 singleturn, 12 bit multiturn, Free of wear magnetic sampling, High resolution and accuracy, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Recessed hollow shaft, Interface: SSI, Detection type: magnetic sampling, Interface type: SSI ; SSI + incremental trackfa
The product 'ENA58IL-S10CA5-0012SY1-RC5:01' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'ENA58IL-S10CA5-0012SY1-RC5:01' is already on your watch list.
Solid shaft, SSI interface, 12 Bit singleturn, Free of wear magnetic sampling, High resolution and accuracy, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Interface: SSI, Detection type: magnetic sampling, Interface type: SSI, Input type: Selection of counting direction (cw/ccw)fa
The product 'AVM58W-032K1R0G5-1212' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'AVM58W-032K1R0G5-1212' is already on your watch list.
Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, 24 bit multiturn, Data transfer up to 2 MBaud, Optically isolated RS 422 interface, Servo or clamping flange, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Interface: SSI, Detection type: photoelectric sampling, Interface type: SSI ; SSI + incremental track, Input type: Selection of counting direction (cw/ccw)fa
The product 'ENA58IL-S10C4E-1416B17-RH5' is now added to your watch list.
The product 'ENA58IL-S10C4E-1416B17-RH5' is already on your watch list.
Solid shaft, 30 Bit multiturn, Free of wear magnetic sampling, High resolution and accuracy, Mechanical compatibility with all major encoders with fieldbus interface, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Interface: PROFINET, Detection type: magnetic sampling, Interface type: PROFINET IOfa
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