R2300, 2-D LiDAR sensor for object detection and positioning, measuring range to object up to 10 m, Ethernet, High angle resolution, Can be aligned using an integrated pilot laser, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Compact design, High pollution tolerancefa
R2300, 3-D LiDAR sensor for object detection and positioning, measuring range to object up to 10 m, Ethernet, High angle resolution, Can be aligned using an integrated pilot laser, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Compact design, High pollution tolerancefa
No disponible para compra: R2300, 3-D LiDAR sensor for object detection and positioning, measuring range to object up to 10 m, Ethernet, High angle resolution, Can be aligned using an integrated pilot laser, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Compact design, High pollution tolerancefa
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