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Interface cable VAZ-SIMON+-R2-1,8M-PS/2


Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

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Extracto de la hoja de datos: Información técnica del  VAZ-SIMON+-R2-1,8M-PS/2

Descripción del producto
Interface cable for connecting the K30/K31 Safety Monitor to a PC
Mechanical specifications
ConnectionSerial interface RS 232: 9-pin Sub-D socket
On the monitor: PS/2
Length1.8 m


ECLASS 13.027060311
ECLASS 12.027060311
ECLASS 11.027060311
ECLASS 10.0.127060311
ECLASS 9.027060311
ECLASS 8.027279218
ECLASS 5.127279201
ETIM 9.0EC001855
ETIM 8.0EC001855
ETIM 7.0EC001855
ETIM 6.0EC001855
ETIM 5.0EC002585
UNSPSC 12.131251501

Details: VAZ-SIMON+-R2-1,8M-PS/2

Productos asociados: VAZ-SIMON+-R2-1,8M-PS/2

Accessory of
Software for diagnostics, servicing, and final measurement of AS-Interface installations for all K20 and K30-type mastersfa
Combined software for configuration, diagnostics, and programming, for masters and safety monitors (type KE4, K20, K30, K31)fa
Software for configuration of K30 Master Monitors/K31 and KE4 Safety Monitorsfa
Safety Monitor, 16 decentralized output circuitsfa
EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP Gateway with integrated safety monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networksfa
PROFINET Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networksfa
Gateway with integrated Safety Monitorfa
Gateway with integrated Safety Monitorfa
PROFIBUS Gateway, PROFIsafe for 2 AS-Interface networksfa
PROFINET Gateway, PROFIsafe for 2 AS-Interface networksfa
Descarga gratuita: Documento técnico sobre protocolos de comunicación basados en TCP (PDF)

Este documento técnico gratuito en formato PDF compara los diferentes protocolos de comunicación basados ​​en TCP (AMQP, OPC UA, MQTT, REST API) que se han abierto camino y se consideran los habilitadores de IIoT e Industria 4.0. Descárguelo ahora de forma gratuita.

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