Drivable aerial work platforms are common on many construction sites. These platforms facilitate working in high locations and increase productivity. However, since severe accidents involving aerial work platforms may occur due to collisions, the safety aspect should not be ignored.
Ultrasonic sensors effectively safeguard the operation of this equipment. Using ultrasonic sensors, you can monitor the area below the work platform, underneath the arms, and around the vehicle. Collisions between the machine and obstacles such as trees, buildings, or persons can be prevented.
If the ultrasonic sensors detect an object in close proximity, the machine switches to slow speed. In the case of acute danger of collision, machine movement stops completely.
To safeguard the equipment, ultrasonic sensors are attached to the appropriate points on the aerial work platform. In order to prevent mutual interference of the sensors and simultaneously ensure the shortest possible response time, these sensors must be common-mode synchronized. As aerial work platforms are mainly used in outdoor applications, the sensors must be suitable for such an environment.
Monitoring the area below and around the machine ensures that collisions with other machines, buildings, or objects does not occur. Damage is prevented and machine availability is increased.
A Pepperl+Fuchs különféle letölthető dokumentumokat biztosít Önnek az ultrahangos érzékelőkkel kapcsolatban. Az ultrahangos érzékelőkkel kapcsolatos általános műszaki útmutatók mellett most letöltheti az ultrahangos érzékelők dupla anyagérzékelésére fókuszáló új útmutatónkat. Töltse le az ingyenes PDF dokumentumokat, és jusson hozzá hasznos ismeretekhez és tanácsokhoz terepi munkáival kapcsolatban.