In car parking lots and parking garages, entry is controlled using barrier systems. The barrier must not be lowered when there is a vehicle underneath. Ultrasonic sensors are particularly suitable for controlling this process. They detect objects regardless of vehicle type or color and monitor the entire area below the barrier.
Ultrasonic sensors are easy to install in the barrier system housing. If several barriers are installed close together, the ultrasonic sensors must be synchronized with one another to prevent mutual interference.
When mounting and aligning the sensors, ensure that the devices are installed at a sufficient distance from the ground (if necessary, angled slightly upwards) and that the projection cone does not make contact with the ground. Proper installation height is especially important when temperatures fluctuate from summer to winter, since the projection cone size increases at lower temperatures.
If necessary, reduce the projection cone size via the parameterization software. If the barrier system is located outdoors, the ultrasonic sensors must be suitable for this environment.
Ultrasonic sensors detect vehicles positioned below the barrier reliably and regardless of color. This safety feature prevents damage to the vehicle by preventing the barrier from lowering while a vehicle is beneath it.
Due to the projection cone and its monitoring area, even smaller objects or non-planar vehicle parts such as trailers, rear bike racks, and motorcycle riders, are reliably detected.
A Pepperl+Fuchs különféle letölthető dokumentumokat biztosít Önnek az ultrahangos érzékelőkkel kapcsolatban. Az ultrahangos érzékelőkkel kapcsolatos általános műszaki útmutatók mellett most letöltheti az ultrahangos érzékelők dupla anyagérzékelésére fókuszáló új útmutatónkat. Töltse le az ingyenes PDF dokumentumokat, és jusson hozzá hasznos ismeretekhez és tanácsokhoz terepi munkáival kapcsolatban.