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Pepperl+Fuchs at SPS 2024—Bringing Automation to Life


November 12–14 in Nuremberg, Germany, Hall 7A, Booth 330

SPS Smart Production Solution

Under the motto “Bringing Automation to Life”, the leading trade fair for smart and digital automation, SPS, opens its doors in Nuremberg, Germany. Experience three days full of innovation and exchange!

Every year, well over 1,000 exhibitors from around the world inspire and give visitors a comprehensive overview of the latest innovations and trends. SPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation—from simple sensors to intelligent solutions. It presents both current developments and the vision of a fully digitized industrial world.

The latest products and technologies from Pepperl+Fuchs can be found in Hall 7A at Booth 330. Come by and let our team advise you!

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