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FieldConnex Ethernet-APL a infrastruktura provozních sběrnic

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FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Fieldbus diagnostic handheld for comprehensive diagnostics of the fieldbus physical layer, Comprehensive diagnostics for the fieldbus physical layer, Handheld with display and integrated expert system, Fieldbus interface Ex ia, FISCO, Entity, and DART, For commissioning, online monitoring and troubleshooting, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, Dust protection, Europepa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Fieldbus power supply, module for fieldbus power hub, Output: 21 ... 23 V/500 mA, Voltage limitation for Entity ic and Ex nL, With galvanic isolation, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canada, Device coupler location: Zone 2 - high-power trunk, Instrument location / spur protection: Zone 2 - all relevant types of protection, Function: Fieldbus Power Supplypa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Fieldbus power supply, module for fieldbus power hub, Output: 28 ... 30 V/500 mA, High-power trunk for high device count and long cable lengths, With galvanic isolation, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canadapa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Advanced diagnostic module, plug-in module for the fieldbus power hub, Comprehensive diagnostics for fieldbus physical layer and power supply, Plug-in Module for the FieldConnex Power Hub, Precise measurements through passive circuits, For commissioning, online monitoring and troubleshooting, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canadapa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Advanced diagnostic module, base module for fieldbus power hub physical layer diagnostics, Basic monitoring for power supply output and health, Plug-in Module for the FieldConnex Power Hub, Plug and play - no engineering required, For online monitoring, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canadapa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Gateway module for fieldbus power hub for PROFIBUS PA to PRFIBUS DP Master communication, PROFIBUS DP V1 / For 4 segments PA, Couples PROFIBUS PA devices transparently to PROFIBUS DP, Optional redundant configuration, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, Up to 12 Mbit/s, auto adapting, IECEx approval, International, Europe, USA, Canadapa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Segment coupler 1, power supply and gateway for PROFIBUS DP to PROFIBUS PA communication, Output: 24 ... 26 V/400 mA, Couples PROFIBUS PA devices transparently to PROFIBUS DP, High-power trunk for high device count and long cable lengths, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, Up to 1.5 MBit auto-adapting, Europe, USA, Canadapa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Fieldbus power supply for fieldbus power hub, Output: 25 ... 27 V/360 mA, For most fieldbus applications, High-power trunk for high device count and long cable lengths, Installation in Zone 2/Class I, Div. 2, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1, Europe, USA, Canada, Device coupler location: non-explosion hazardous area
Zone 2 - high-power trunk
Zone 1 - high-power trunk
Division 2 - high-power trunk
Division 1 - high-power trunkpa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Segment protector, junction box for fieldbus with short-circuit protection, Field junction box, module for DIN rail mounting, 12 increased safety outputs (Ex e), Short circuit current limitation per output, Segment Protector in Zone 1/Div. 2, Instruments in Zone 1/Div. 1, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, IECEx approval, Europe, Device coupler location: Zone 1 - high-power trunk, Instrument location / spur protection: Zone 1 - increased safetypa

FieldConnex® Fieldbus, Module for use with Segment Protectors, Series voltage reducing module, Removable terminals, Polarity reversal protected, Installation in cabinet on DIN mounting rail, For FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and PROFIBUS PA, Europe, Device coupler location: non-explosion hazardous area
Zone 2 - high-power trunk
Division 2 - high-power trunk, Device coupler location [2]: Zone 2 - high-power trunk, Device coupler location [3]: Division 2 - high-power trunkpa
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