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Mobilní zařízení

Společnost Pepperl+Fuchs nabízí speciální senzory pro mobilní zařízení.

From construction and agricultural machinery to municipal vehicles—mobile equipment is used in demanding environments. For example, bulldozers, excavators, harvesters, and garbage collection trucks need to work reliably even when they are exposed to extreme temperatures, rain, salt, chemicals, and excessive shock and vibration. Accordingly, sensors used on mobile machines must be designed and built to the highest standards.

Pepperl+Fuchs offers a broad portfolio of sensor solutions tailored to mobile equipment—featuring heavy-duty designE1 approval, or with integrated CAN interfaces. These rugged sensors are used for positioning, collision avoidance, level measurement, and many other applications to improve the vehicles’ performance. In addition, special connectivity products with increased protection against environmental influences are available. Learn more and find the right solution for your mobile needs!

Sensor Solutions for Mobile Equipment Applications

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