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+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472

AS-Interface analog module VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

  • Degree of protection IP68 / IP69K
  • Function display for bus and outputs
  • Accuracy ± 0.15 %
  • Integrated shielding
  • Channel-specific output monitoring
  • Communication monitoring

Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

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Adatlap kivonata: Műszaki adatok  VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

Termék leírása
G11 analog module, 2 analog outputs
General specifications
Node typeStandard node
AS-Interface specificationV3.0
Required gateway specification≥ V2.1
IO code7
ID code3
ID1 codeF
ID2 code5
UL File NumberE223772
Indicators/operating means
LED AS-i/FAULTStatus display; multi-colour LED
Green: normal operation
Red: communication fault
Flashing yellow/red: address 0
Flashing green/red: peripheral fault
LED ANALOGStatus of output signal; yellow LED
Yellow: 0 mA ≤ I ≤ 23 mA
Yellow flashing: lead breakage or I > 23 mA
Electrical specifications
Rated operating voltage26.5 ... 31.6 V from AS-Interface
Rated operating current≤ 100 mA
Protection classIII
Surge protectionUe: Over voltage category III, safe isolated power supplies (PELV)
Number/Type2 analog outputs (current), 0 ... 20 mA
Supplyfrom AS-Interface
Loadmax. 600 Ω
Resolution6 µA
Accuracy0.15 % of full-scale value
Temperature influence1 µA/K
Directive conformity
Electromagnetic compatibility
Directive 2014/30/EUEN 62026-2:2013
Standard conformity
Degree of protectionEN 60529:2000
Fieldbus standardEN 62026-2:2013
Emitted interferenceEN 61000-6-4:2007
AS-InterfaceEN 62026-2:2013
Noise immunityEN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61326-1:2006, IEC 62026-2:2008
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-25 ... 70 °C (-13 ... 158 °F)
Storage temperature-25 ... 85 °C (-13 ... 185 °F)
Relative humidity85 % , noncondensing
Climatic conditionsFor indoor use only
Altitude≤ 2000 m above MSL
Pollution degree3
Mechanical specifications
Degree of protectionIP68 / IP69K
ConnectionAS-Interface: M12 round connector
Outputs: M12 round connector
HousingPBT PC
Mounting screwStainless steel 1.4305 / AISI 303
Mass200 g
Tightening torque, housing screws1.8 Nm
Tightening torque, cable gland0.4 Nm
Height35 mm
Diameter85 mm
MountingMounting plate


ECLASS 13.027242601
ECLASS 12.027242601
ECLASS 11.027242601
ECLASS 10.0.127242601
ECLASS 9.027242601
ECLASS 8.027242601
ECLASS 5.127242601
ETIM 9.0EC001596
ETIM 8.0EC001596
ETIM 7.0EC001596
ETIM 6.0EC001596
ETIM 5.0EC001596
UNSPSC 12.139121535

Details: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1


The analog module VBA-2A-G11-I-V1 has two analog current outputs (0 mA ... 20 mA). Power is supplied to the outputs through the yellow AS-Interface cable. Analog value conversion and data transfer are provided asynchronously according to AS-Interface profile 7.3. The rise time of the analog signals is approx. 2 ms.

channel. Peripheral faults are not signaled when there is no active connection to an actuator. If the internal “watchdog” monitoring function is enabled, the output signals are reset to zero if communication with the AS-Interface fails.

The G11 module with IP68/IP69K protection is particularly suitable for demanding field applications. The connection to the actuators is established via M12 connectors. The module can be preaddressed by connecting it to the handheld programming unit VBP-HH1. The connection to the AS-Interface transfer line is established via an M12 connector.


A lead breakage or an output value outside the value range is also transmitted to the ASInterface master via the 'peripheral fault' function. Communication via the AS-Interface continues.

Informative Literature: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

Application Report - Automating Material Handling Systems for Airports with AS-InterfaceENGPDF272 KB

Product Documentation: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

Brief InstructionsNyelvFájltípusFájlméret
Commissioning InstructionsALLPDF792 KB
Manual VBA-2A-G11-I* & VBA-4A-G11-I/U-FENGPDF3049 KB

Design / Simulation: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

CAD Portal / CAD PortalALLLINK---

Approvals: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1

CertificatesTanúsítvány sz.NyelvFájltípusFájlméret
Canada, USA ULCoC 20141115-E223772ALLPDF342 KB
EU Ecolab Material ResistanceECOLABALLPDF1797 KB
Declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration of Conformity (Pepperl+Fuchs)DOC-2931BALLPDF119 KB

Kapcsolódó termékek: VBA-2A-G11-I-V1


AS-Interface Handheld with accessoryfa

Blind plug for M12 socketsfa
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AS-Interfész termékkínálat

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