Matching System Components |
Stack light audible alarmfa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, greenfa |
Stack light LED permanent light elementt, redfa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, yellowfa |
Stack light assembly mounting, straightfa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, multicolorfa |
Stack light terminal base with cover platefa |
Stack light LED flashing light element, redfa |
Stack light LED flashing light element, yellowfa |
Stack light siren element 8 tonefa |
Stack light audible alarmfa |
Stack light solid light element, bluefa |
Stack light solid light element, clearfa |
Stack light permanent light element, greenfa |
Stack light solid light element, redfa |
Stack light solid light element, yellowfa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, bluefa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, clearfa |
Stack light LED permanent light element, lemon yellowfa |
Stack light assembly mounting, angledfa |
Stack light assembly mounting, angledfa |
Stack light mounting basefa |
Stack light adapter for pipe assembly 25 mm - 1/2"fa |
Stack light upright, straightfa |
Accessories |
EtherNet/IP IO-Link master with 8 inputs/outputs, DIN rail, screw terminalfa |
PROFINET IO IO-Link master with 8 inputs/outputs, DIN rail, push-in terminalsfa |
PROFINET IO IO-Link master with 8 inputs/outputs, DIN rail, screw terminalfa |
IO-Link master, supply via USB port or separate power supply, LED indicators, M12 plug for sensor connectionfa |
EtherNet/IP IO-Link master with 8 inputs/outputs, DIN rail, push-in connectorsfa |
Junction box with side cable glandfa |