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Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, CANopen interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Noncontact lane tracking of a colored strip, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, PROFINET interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Noncontact lane tracking of a colored strip, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, EtherNet/IP interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Noncontact lane tracking of a colored strip, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, RS-485 interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Noncontact lane tracking of a colored strip, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, SIL 3 (EN 61508), PROFINET interface, Category 4 PL e (EN ISO 13849), PROFIsafe interface, Safe, non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Traverse distance up to 100 km , Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, Output of code quality, Pollution detectionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, CANopen interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, Visible red light, Fixed cable, Terminating resistor, switchable, Timestamp of the image capture, Synchronization optionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, Serial interface RS 485, addressable, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, Visible red light, Fixed cable, Terminating resistor, switchable, Synchronization optionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, CANopen interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, Visible red light, Fixed cable, Terminating resistor, switchable, Timestamp of the image capture, Synchronization optionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, RS-485 interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Noncontact lane tracking of a colored strip, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, PROFIBUS interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Noncontact positioning with Data Matrix TAGs, Reading of Data Matrix control codes, White-blue lightfa
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„Centrum bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego” firmy Pepperl+Fuchs

Kilkaset produktów z oceną kategorii SIL/PL oraz bezpłatne narzędzia i broszury w jednym miejscu — „Centrum bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego” to Twój punkt wyjścia przy wdrażaniu funkcji bezpieczeństwa.

Wyszukiwarka produktów związanych z bezpieczeństwem dla produktów z określonym poziomem SIL/PL

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Systemy pozycjonowania absolutnego safePXV i safePGV

Po raz pierwszy zupełnie nowe systemy pozycjonowania absolutnego safePXV i safePGV zapewniają poziom bezpieczeństwa SIL 3/PL e z wykorzystaniem jednego czujnika…