Serviceline Industrial Sensors
고객 지원
Serviceline Explosion Protection
고객서비스 문의

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Localization Facilitates Maintenance

In case a Pepperl+Fuchs sensor needs to repaired or replaced, the localization function makes it possible to identify a single sensor within a plant. A specific IO-Link parameter is used to address the sensor that the control system needs to localize and a flashing display identifies the device.

Operating Hours Counter Lays the Foundation for Predictive Maintenance

An operating hours counter provides information on the actual operating time of a sensor. In addition to requesting operating hours via a user program, it is also possible to define limit values that the sensor must not exceed. Once a certain number of operating hours is reached and a sensor needs to be replaced, service technicians are notified.

Temperature Indicator Prevents Unexpected Changes in Temperature

Once a device exceeds or falls below its optimal operating temperature, this status can be retrieved via the integrated temperature indicator. This enables fast localization of errors, making it possible to take appropriate action to prevent downtime and time-consuming troubleshooting.

Device Status Enables Condition Monitoring

The device status indicates whether an IO-Link device is functioning properly. In case of an error message, users have the possibility of viewing the detailed device status so appropriate action can be taken. This includes an overview of general and manufacturer-specific event information.

Stability Alarm Enables Demand-Based Maintenance

If external influences knock a sensor out of alignment, and the object is just within the sensing range, the sensor position must be corrected quickly. The stability alarm helps detect this deviation directly at the sensor. The affected sensor sends status information to the stability alarm via the process data, indicating reduced reliability and a potential failure. This way, the maintenance order can be performed quickly without causing downtime in the plant or the assembly line.

Data Storage Simplifies Sensor Replacement during Operation

All IO-Link version 1.1 devices and masters support the so-called data storage function. Also known as the parameter server function, this is activated upon successful commissioning. During this process, device settings are automatically uploaded to the master port’s storage (parameter server). Each time the system is restarted, it checks whether the parameters in the device match those in the parameter server. If a difference is detected, the parameters stored in the master are loaded into the device—depending on the port configuration. If the device settings are changed during operation, they are automatically transferred to the master’s parameter server. This ensures that device settings and configuration are up-to-date.

As soon as an identical device is connected because of maintenance or a device failure, the master loads the stored parameters into the sensor. This enables fast and accurate device exchange during operation without requiring previous knowledge or tools. In the event of a replacement, this ensures that the correct device with the corresponding settings is in the right place.


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IO-Link System Solutions from Pepperl+Fuchs

An internationally standardized, cross-vendor open interface, IO-Link is an integral part of Pepperl+Fuchs’ Sensorik4.0® solutions. Learn more about the intelligent communication technology ...


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