Wsparcie Czujników Przemysłowych
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Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, 16 Bit multiturn, Output code: gray and binary, Transfer of position data with 4 AS-Interface slaves, Parameterization and addressing via AS-Interface, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Recessed hollow shaft, Detection type: photoelectric sampling, Interface type: AS-Interfacefa

Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, 13 Bit singleturn, Output code: gray and binary, Transfer of position data with 4 AS-Interface slaves, Parameterization and addressing via AS-Interface, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Recessed hollow shaft, Detection type: photoelectric sampling, Interface type: AS-Interfacefa

Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, 16 Bit multiturn, Output code: gray and binary, Transfer of position data with 4 AS-Interface slaves, Parameterization and addressing via AS-Interface, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Detection type: photoelectric sampling, Interface type: AS-Interfacefa

Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, 13 Bit singleturn, Output code: gray and binary, Transfer of position data with 4 AS-Interface slaves, Parameterization and addressing via AS-Interface, Enclosure type: 58 mm, Type of shaft: Solid shaft, Detection type: photoelectric sampling, Interface type: AS-Interfacefa

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Pobierz bezpłatnie: Opracowanie na temat protokołów komunikacyjnych opartych na TCP (PDF)

W tym bezpłatnym opracowaniu w formacie PDF porównano różne protokoły komunikacyjne oparte na protokole TCP (AMQP, OPC UA, MQTT, REST API), które sprawdziły się w działaniu i uznawane są za podstawę rozwiązań IIoT oraz Przemysłu 4.0. Pobierz bezpłatny dokument już teraz!

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