...的配件 |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Device with short tube, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insertpa |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Device with tube extension, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insertpa |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Compact device, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insertpa |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Device with tube extension, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insert, Optional status and fault indication via LED module or via Bluetooth in the P+F Level apppa |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Device with short tube, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insert, Optional status and fault indication via LED module or via Bluetooth in the P+F Level app, Up to SIL 3 acc. to IEC/EN 61508pa |
Vibration limit switch for liquids , Compact device, Wide variety of electronic modules (e. g., relay, thyristor signal output): the right connection for every process control system, No calibration: quick and low-cost start up, No mechanically moving parts: maintenance-free, no wear, long operating life, Operation via push buttons and DIP switches on the electronic insert, Optional status and fault indication via LED module or via Bluetooth in the P+F Level app, Up to SIL 3 acc. to IEC/EN 61508pa |
感应范围达 10 m, 自行监控(4 型,符合 IEC/EN 61496-1 标准), 红色传输指示灯, 接收器上清晰可见的 LED 功能显示和故障前指示器, 坚固的外壳, 结构类型 (S2): 矩形, 光源: 红外发光二极管, 光源类型: 调制红外光 850 nm, 工作电压: 10 ... 30 V DC, 输出类型: PNP, 开关类型: 亮时接通, 信号输出: 最大 30 ...40 mA, 防护等级: IP67,符合 EN 60529 标准, 连接: M8 连接器,4 针, 外壳: ABS 耐冲击 , V0,符合 UL94fa |
感应范围达 30 m, 自行监控(4 型,符合 IEC/EN 61496-1 标准), 红色传输指示灯, 集成的对准辅助装置, 接收器上清晰可见的 LED 功能显示和故障前指示器, 坚固的外壳, 防水,防护等级为 IP67, 操作 SB4 系列控制单元 (SafeBox), 结构类型 (S2): 矩形, 安全完整性级别 (SIL): SIL 3, 性能水平 (PL): PL e, 类别: 4 类, 连接: M12 连接器,4 针fa |
附件 |
扭矩螺丝刀 (0.6 Nm)fa |
M12 插帽fa |
标签固定架, 无卤fa |
铭牌, 无卤fa |
用于 M12 连接器的模块化通用支架fa |
M12 连接器的解锁保护器, 无需使用工具即可防止连接中断fa |
M12 连接器的标记环,多种颜色fa |