倍加福的 PXV 数据矩阵定位系统是一种用数据矩阵代码进行精确定位的定位系统。该系统的核心是二维读头。它由一个带内置照明装置的摄像头模块构成。它读取并解码印在不干胶码带上的位置标记,即二维数据矩阵代码。
这种新型 PXV 定位系统配备了一个 120 x 80 mm 扫描窗,传感器通过这个扫描窗可以在一次读取操作中读取多达 5 个数据矩阵代码。使用数据矩阵代码作为信息载体还可以实现数据冗余映射。得益于这些多重冗余,PXV 的抗干扰能力非常强。
码带为不干胶带,可提供距离最大达 100 km 的定制长度。这种定位系统可以无限制地应用于非常大型的设施。码带通常贴在电梯井的墙壁上或单轨列车的安装轨上。而传感头则安装在平行移动的“运载工具”上,例如电梯轿厢上或单轨列车的底盘上。凭借全面、轻松的编程和可配置的输入和输出,二维读头完全能够适应特定应用的需要。
PCV 数据矩阵定位系统提供高灵活性和适配性,既可以应用于工厂调试,也可以应用于后续改动。最多可将 999 个不同的事件标记轻松放置在所需位置。无需软件即可直接控制功能流程。
PXV 定位系统还具有安全型号:safePXV 只使用一个传感器实现了符合 SIL 3/PL e 的安全绝对定位。
With a large reading window of 120x80 mm, the PXV read heads are capable of reading up to five Data Matrix codes simultaneously in a single reading process. This means they provide reliable position detection even when codes are gapped, dirty or damaged. The PXV read heads can bridge interruptions of up to 75 mm. This also offers an even higher mounting tolerance for route guidance.
The PCV 2-D read heads come with a reading window of 40x25 mm. This enables even smallest curve radii as well as inclines and declines. The PCV read heads read at least three DataMatrix codes at once, allowing the codes to be obscured up to 20 mm depending on the code redundancy.
For safety applications up to SIL 3/PL e, users can choose the safePXV read head. With a multicolor concept, the standalone variant already has multiple redundancy in itself. The multicolor Data Matrix codes on the robust code tape are made visible and read by the two-color illumination of the safePXV read head. The safePXV's algorithm already checks the plausibility of the data in the sensor.