Ipari érzékeléstechika
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472
Leválasztók, jelátalakítók
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472


Termék kiválasztás

Következő oldalUtolsó oldal

Distance sensor for positioning tasks accurate to the millimeter, PRT, measuring range up to 150 m, SSI/RS-422 interface, M12 plug, Maximum measurement accuracy, Switchable SSI/RS-422 interface, Red laser as the light emitter, Display and keypad for parameter settings, Compact and space-saving designfa

Distance sensor for positioning tasks accurate to the millimeter, PRT, measuring range up to 50 m, SSI/RS-422 interface, M12 plug, Maximum measurement accuracy, Switchable SSI/RS-422 interface, Red laser as the light emitter, Display and keypad for parameter settings, Compact and space-saving designfa

Measurement to object, 100 mm detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, measured value via IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Space-saving distance sensors in small standardized design, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - exact and precise signal evaluation, DuraBeam Laser Sensors - durable and employable like an LED, IO-Link interface for service and process datafa

Distance sensor, Medium design with versatile mounting options, Space-saving distance sensors in small standardized design, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - exact and precise signal evaluation, IO-Link interface for service and process data, Analog output 4 ... 20 mAfa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to object, 300 mm detection range, red laser light, laser class 2, PNP output, analog output, control input, M12 plug, Analog output 4 mA ... 20 mA, High resolution, Very fast response characteristic, suitable for rapid scanning processfa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to object, IO-Link interface, measuring method PRT, 15 m detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, push-pull output, analog output, M12 plug, Distance measurement using object, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), IO-Link interface for service and process data, Analog output 0/4 mA ... 20 mA, Accurate, clear, and reproducible measuring resultsfa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to reflector, IO-Link interface, measuring method PRT, 50 m detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, push-pull output, analog output, M12 plug, Retroreflective laser distance sensor, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Accurate, clear, and reproducible measuring results, Red laser as the light emitter, Version with laser class 1fa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to reflector, IO-Link interface, measuring method PRT, 50 m detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, push-pull output, M12 plug, Retroreflective laser distance sensor, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Accurate, clear, and reproducible measuring results, Red laser as the light emitter, Version with IO-Link interfacefa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to object, IO-Link interface, measuring method PRT, 8 m detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, push-pull output, analog output, fixed cable with M12 plug, Distance measurement using object, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Accurate, clear, and reproducible measuring results, Red laser as the light emitter, Version with IO-Link interfacefa

Universal distance sensor, measurement to object, IO-Link interface, measuring method PRT, 8 m detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, push-pull output, analog output, M12 plug, Distance measurement using object, Measuring method PRT (Pulse Ranging Technology), Accurate, clear, and reproducible measuring results, Minimal black-white difference, Red laser as the light emitterfa
Következő oldalUtolsó oldal

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